Tuesday, November 4, 2008


"To those who would tear this world down - we will defeat you. To those who seek peace and security - we support you. And to all those who have wondered if Americas beacon still burns as bright - tonight we proved once more that the true strength of our nation comes not from the might of our arms or the scale of our wealth, but from the enduring power of our ideals: democracy, liberty, opportunity, and unyielding hope." -President Obama

America has a new main man, and his name is Barrack Obama! I watched all of the debates, did research on both candidates, and we both cast our votes for Obama and Biden. Jeremy, Megan and Scott came over to watch the election updates with us, and it was a night we'll never forget. History was made, and I think this is one of those things we will look back on and always remember where we were when this happened. I've been excited about this for awhile. I voted early, and I've been having great discussions with my dad about the whole campaign. We voted for changes that will affect us in the next 4 years: we want to buy a house, I want to get my Masters degree, and maybe start having kids (which would be nice to have health care when it happens!). This is going to affect all of us, and I know that we don't all have the same ideas about who should be President, but that's ok. But I believe this historic event is one that will change our lives for the better, and I'm so excited I got to be a part of it! God bless America!


Milmonster said...

We all know O-man can talk the talk, I just hope he can walk the walk. It is going to be interesting to see how our bipartisan system works under the control of mainly one party.

Kallee and Duncan said...

It was very interesting to watch everything go done this election. (I was always going for Romney, To bad my hand write didn't win...I wrote down my dad for president.... dont you think he would do a good job?? LOL JK) I am happy that you are happy!

Straphanger said...

Rachel, you did it like you should have: listened, studied and decided for yourself. We all need to hope President-elect Obama does well. He certainly is faced with about the worst possible set of problems to overcome. President Bush has left this nation in a shambles. The looming ONE-YEAR budget deficit could be $1 trillion-plus; 50 million Americans don't have health insurance; were are fighting two wars and our military is stretched too thin; Medicare and Social Security are in dire need of salvation from ruin; there is no discernible energy plan; climate-change has been virtually ignored; and we just nationalized a huge chunk of the investment banking and insurance sector of the economy. Can you think of a crisis this broad-based that confronted any president in the past century or more? Neither can I. The solutions will have to receive bipartisan support, but I'm not convinced that's possible from either side of the aisle; I hope I'm wrong. I hope Democrats will include Republicans in their deliberations and planning, and I hope Republicans will try to help Democrats achieve solutions.

So, the first thing to watch for is how President-elect Obama assembles his transition team and who he begins tapping for Cabinet seats. If he goes for the best and brightest, and maybe adds a Republican or two, I think the odds are good he'll be making good on his promise of "change." If so, then it will be on the GOP to cooperate (mainly the Senate and the power of Republicans to filibuster).

All this said, I'm optimistic. He's a serious, even-tempered man who is outrageously smart. But the job is so huge, because our country is in such a shambles. If he pulls this off, he's even better than we think he might be.

Megan said...

What a nice post... I am so glad that at least some people try and educate themselves on the candidates and dont just go with what everyone else is. You and your husband are so cute, you guys look so happy!

Oh and I LOVED your Halloween costume! What an awesome idea. I cracked up laughing when I saw the pictures.

Haley and Jake Cowdin said...

Rachel! I miss you my dear!

Brett and Lex said...

Rach, I had no idea you have a blog! Hooray!!

Kayla said...

I miss you guys! We haven't seen you in forever! We have to get together super soon! IT's been since like... your halloween party! way too long!

Natasha said...

Hey girl so Obama won like over a month ago.. I know more exciting things have been happening your life! I hope all is going well and that you have a very Merry Christmas! I love and miss you!