Friday, May 29, 2009

Oh, graduated life!

What have I been doing since graduation? Here are the highlights:
Won our ward's dutch oven cook-off w/
my dad's peach cobbler recipe...the
prize was our very own dutch oven!

Watched seasons 1, 2, & 3 of my new fave
show Grey's Anatomy - I'm addicted!

I've also been working!!! I love my job as a
Wellness Specialist for UTA and Fairchild in SLC.
I do lots of wellness consultations & check a
lot of blood pressures!

Rich is taking summer classes, so he's still super busy w/ school. His favorite class right now is Rock Climbing...we'll have some sweet pics of his class trip to the City of Rocks in Idaho in a couple of weeks! Hope everyone is having an AWESOME summer!


Don said...

Long live Dutch ovens!

Milmonster said...

Ive got all the gear Rich, swing down cheyenne way this summer And ill take you up some sweet climbing routs. you can come too rach

Ellie said...

Hey fellow graduate! Your job sounds way cool I'm glad you have something in your field it's tough these days! :)

Justin and Ashley said...

Fun stuff! I love summertime and I especially love being graduated too!!! Isn't it great not to have to think of studying. Looks like you guys are having a nice summer so far. :)

Rachel Jenkins said...

Dearest Rachel,

I just knew that you would win the cookoff! I never doubted you for a second. Also, you're welcome for the Grey's obsession. I just knew you would love it. No worries, I will be back tomorrow so the obsession can continue! :) LOVES!!

Jenn said...

Congrats on graduation!! I'm SO happy for you, such a huge accomplishment!!