Sunday, November 6, 2011

running amuck amuck amuck amuck on halloween

i had great plans for richard and i to dress up in a fabulous couple's costume
for halloween this year, but like many of my plans often do it went up in flames
and this is what we ended up with:

a mexican hermaphrodite...

and a bearded pregnant nun

the holiday wasn't a complete bust, though (thank goodness!)
because we got to spend it with some of our favorite buddies from
our old married student ward:

tmnt a.k.a. todd, lacey and max geddes

the jex beekeeper and his lovely honey-bees

the stevensons were peter, wendy and tink

and dave was just full of happy thoughts!

isn't jovi the cutest little cruela you've ever seen?!

and we'd have had no excuse to dress up had it not been for these
swashbuckling hosts:

bro and sis smith

sis and bishop hansen

its hard to believe we've been out of our heavenly fake ward for a year
and a half!  i still love all of our friends just as much, and the bishopric and
their wives still feel like family.  as torked as i still am that the ward was ever
abolished, i have to say that i feel so lucky that we were ever in it in the first place.
it was a real life-changing blessing for us and will always be one of those special
times in our life and marriage that we will never forget.

there were some key players missing this year (boyers, nielsens, bates
colemans, etc.), but we have plans for a christmas party and new year's
rendezvous, so this was just the beginning of an incredibly enjoyable
holiday season.


Sam and Melissa said...

You may not have planned your costumes but they are my favorite, seriously. So funny. I am so glad everyone still gets together. Thanks for posting this, it almost felt like we were there :)