Monday, April 9, 2012

big mark

i had the "pleasure" of being on the spring break training committee at
work again this year...
committees really aren't my favorite thing in the world (far from it, actually),
but i created a committee and conned a handful of poor souls to be on it,
so i do it.  karma scares me.  anyway, this year we had a march madness
theme, and we got mark eaton to be our keynote speaker.

here is our committee with the big guy.
i love that sarah dawn got on her knees for this picture.

he was amazing, obviously.
and surprisingly, this is the second celebrity (remember raja bell?!)
i've come into contact with (recently) that i didn't humiliate myself
in front of...or scare.  no, i don't think that this face is humiliating...or scary.
and, being a jazz fan, i reserve the right to call two successes in a row a streak.
i just may be on my way to crazy-celebrity-reaction recovery.  i did have
weeks to prepare (and sedate) myself for this one, but i don't think that's
the most important thing.  i think the most important thing about this experience
is that i got a side-hug from one 7'4'' mr. mark eaton.