Saturday, February 9, 2013

i never thought...

that i'd want to be a stay-at-home mom until this goofball made his debut.
i love my job, but i go back to work the day after tomorrow and
i'm absolutely dreading it.  we've been to the daycare, and it looks
great.  i know they'll take care of him, but for some reason that
just doesn't make me feel a whole lot better.  mostly because i want
to be with him 24-7 teaching him how to sit up in his bumbo...

and doing photo shoots...

and making afternoon trips to visit the grandmas.
i took him to get his 2-month shots this week, and it was torture
for both of us.  i've never seen or heard such a sad cry.  i wanted
to punch the nurse right in the nose, but my common sense held
back my motherly instinct to do so.  barely.
much like his sad little cry after getting shots, the mere thought of
dropping him off on monday morning is breaking me heart.
richard keeps trying to convince me that the anticipation will be
much worse than the actual experience.  i hope he's right, but i highly
doubt it.  luckily i've been ignoring the fact that maternity leave would
ever end, so this is the first week that i've really been worried about it.
i've just gotten to enjoy nine amazing weeks with my little sweetie, and
i can easily say they've been the best 9 weeks of my life.  hands down.
whether i want to or not i'll be going to work on monday.  but i can't
promise that i'll actually be working rather than coming up with a new
budget for us so that i don't have to go back again on tuesday.  woof.