Sunday, March 4, 2012

these is my words

that is the title of the book we just finished reading for book club,
i'm not just using poor grammar.  i may be my mother's child, but i have
a father, too, and his grammar ocd trumps all of the jan-isms i may have
inherited.  most of the time.

i loved the book.  loved it.  sarah and captain elliot's love story swept me
off my feet - had me holding my breath during multiple kisses and crying
at the end of the book.  i've said it before, and i'll say it again: i would've made
one crappy pioneer.  sarah would've hated me for sure. 

none of us really wanted to dress up like pioneers for the meeting, so karen
and annie made a covered wagon full of books (just like the one sarah bought),
and karen kindly shared her stock of dress-up mustaches with us.  apparently
wearing mustaches is quite common at karen's house, and i can't tell you how much
i loved that none of her family members even questioned what we were all doing
when they saw us with a little extra facial hair.  classic.  karen also made
mustache-shaped cookies.  she's the best host ever.  did i mention the noises
from the great outdoors we had as ambiance?  best host ever.
i still love book club.