Sunday, July 27, 2008

Memory Game

1. Add a comment to our blog. Leave one memory that you have had with either Richard or Rachel. It doesn't matter if you knew us a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about us, we'll assume you're playing the game and we'll come to your blog and leave one about you.


Heidi said...

Hmm... where do I start? You named some pretty dang ones on my blog... I was laughing out loud (I'll never ever ever ever forget our first sleepover. Didn't you or Ceara run into a book shelf... oh no I think that was me on my way to the bathroom so I wouldn't puke). So funny...

Here are just a few of MANY:

-"kidnapping" you for your birthday and we blind folded you and stuffed you in a van and played mexican music so you wouldn't know it was us...we thought we had you fooled.

-Of course the toilet-papering days, too. "Put it in reverse!!!"

-Making music videos in Syrie's basement, (it's raining men, and then all those disney songs, too). I hope she burned those.

-Being Mr. Sill's favorites

-When we were only 15 and we wanted to go somewhere but didn't have a ride, so since you looked the oldest we made you drive Sharcy's car like 1 block and we were so scared!

-Volleyball practices (your mom gave me rides) and being sore for days afterwards and limping around

-Sleepovers at Syrie's and begging Gail to make us chocolate muffins. Well first of all we were pissed from her waking us up so early "Rise and shine and give God his glory glory..." But the muffins made up for it.

-Watching Heath Ledger movies (RIP)

-Fighting over Syrie's brother

-Oh and the Save the Last Dance movie... I still remember some moves. Ha ha...

-I rememeber once Whitney Beutler had a party and a certain someone was causing some drama... and I remember you standing up for me. And the thing is you didn't do anything wrong or rude, you just comfronted that little *&^%$ and put her in her place because she was in the wrong. She was speechless - I'll never forget that.

-Our 9th grade job shadow day when we were on TV! We had to get up at like 3 in the morning! I think I still have that video ("This is Heidi, Rachel, and Ceara and you're watching Good Morning Utah!")

-When Blake and I broke up and my 1st period class was Math with you and you were the first person I told... and you didn't even ask me tell you the whole story you just gave me a shoulder to cry on.

-9th grade dance when we all met at my house for pictures... we were so excited to get our first "prom" dresses.

Let's make some more! I LOVE YOU RACHEL!!!!!!!!!!!

Shannon Masayo said...

pretty sure the first memory heidi named they did to me in ninth grade...haha either it happened to us both or, she got mixed up haha...let's see, that video always sticks out to me too! That is when keith sane. hmmm, my brain is havin a fart, we never did a ton together but i have always loved you, and i am so jealous you have red hair. i want red hair. anyway you and your mom and sis have always been so sweet and i am always so sad when i run into them and you aren't there...sad news.

Nate and Sarah said...

I remember that I think in 8th grade me and you had like every class together, and you had these cute Silver jeans that I really wanted! I also remember when you put blonde highlights in your hair and I thought they were SO dang cute! I remember seeing you at football games all the were always way fun to hang out with!

Tiff and Chris said...

Oh my little backyard neighbor! we had such a good time in Layton. All of our fun games in the pond,the field, at your house, and so much more! We had such an awesome neighborhood too.

McFamily said...

Hey! Do you remember when we went to what was it Nightmare on 13th to celebrate yours, Jackie's, and my birthday. Remember how we got to the "world's first KFC" and I floored it in reverse on accident of course. Then we turned to some dark alley, we were so freaked out. On the way home my car was acting strange. Of course there are many more memories but that one always sticks out

Matt and Jackie said...

Oh wow! How long have we know each other...10 or 11 years.
I guess our first memory is your birthday party in 6th grade at Classic skating.
Remember when we stole Mikes cd player because we thought they ditched us and then his car started rolling backwards and almost hit a mailbox. Then the cops came (ITS THE POPOS!) and I couldn't lie so Ceara told him this story about a poem and asking him to a dance.
That big flash of light when we slept on your tramp...still convinced it was something.
When I backed out of my driveway and hit your car. You didn't think it was funny.
When you hit that cat on 800 (it was gross) and we didn't know what to do so your mom came.
Countless volleyball, softball, basketball(Crush ruled), and out of state tournaments.
Ice cream the night before you got married.
Sitting the three of us up front in stella.
When your leg was in that boot and you kicked my with it, that hurt.
And oh so many more, some of which you are probably glad that I didn't type them ha ha.

Matt and Jackie said...

Sorry that this isn't really a memory but I guess it kind of is. On my blog you talked about when the volleyball team went to Cherry Hill and I just wanted to say that was so fun! I had a blast. The whole tube thing and Holly not knowing about it still makes me laugh. Good times, good times.

Kristen said...

Ok so we haven't exactly known each other for very long, but that's ok.
The one memory that I do have is meeting you in St. George and thinking wow this girl is cool. When you were talking about your rip stick I was thinking, yep... she's cool.
And I was thinking that Rich was a genuinely nice guy. You guys are easy going people who can get along with anyone. A very good quality!

Megan said...

I remember you being in Mr. Staley's class with you and Im pretty sure we were his favorite class ever. You were always so funny. You and your husband are so cute :) Its so fun to see what everyone is doing these days

Milmonster said...

Singing "I want to grow Old with you" at an EFY variety show. and making fun of Eric for saying that Mary was a "HOTTIE"

Jenn said...

Hi Rachel! I finally got our blog going, just wanted to say HI! Wish I had a fun memory to share! Hope you don;t mind i put you on our "friends" list! :)

Marci and Gary said...

there was this one time when rachel and i ate for 3 days straight. we didn't even let sleeping interupt our eating patterns. it was awesome...but my stomache hasn't ever worked the same way since.

Natasha said...

Wow girl! I seriously have so many to choose from and don't know where to begin...
..Toilet papering of course the best one was Logan's house that summer.. Need I say pink string, lots of cars, and more toilet paper than we knew what to do with!
..You guys toilet papering our house and your mom was the "get away driver" but we caught you guys!
..You and Ceara taking pics of your selves in my basement
..All of our many many monthly girls night outs! (which we need to do again!)
..You sleeping at my inlaws while Ash and I and my mother in law stayed up until all hours of the night making Ethan his stupid quilt!
I have so many more that I could go on forever but I wont you are the best Rach! Thanks for so many great times!