Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Daddy rocks

If there is one thing I know for sure, it is that Marty thinks that Richard rocks.  I don't know if there is anything he loves more than watching Richard play guitar.

That's not true.  Maybe the one thing he loves more than that is to actually play guitar with him.  When the band is jamming in the basement, Marty will stand in the front room, or at the top of the stairs, or on the porch if we are outside, and just dance.  And I don't think that it is any coincidence that his dance move of choice when Richard is involved, is the head nod.  It's almost a full-on head bang, and I'm sure once he's acquired the necessary amount of coordination, it will be.

So, it is no surprise that he has been their biggest fan at the shows I've taken him to.  The first one was in a bar.  I didn't know if I'd get away with it, but I did!  Anyway, it's official:  Richard is rocking both of our worlds.


Melissa said...

Marty is getting SO BIG! Pretty soon they can do duets together...